Product range

Inspired by the power of dairy

We develop and produce high quality infant formula products.
View our product range below.


Organic infant formula is about an honest product sourced with carefully selected raw materials. Organic is a system of farming and food production. Organic farmers aim to produce high-quality food, using methods that benefit our whole food system, from people to planet, plant health to animal welfare.


Goat Milk is known for its high density of essential fatty acids like ALA and Linoleic acid, which supports the hart and blood vessels. Its richer in zinc and Seleen and contain less lactose than cow milk. The Goat milk used in infant formula is always from a high-grade liquid milk that is dried in a controlled process.


Halal infant formula is produced with certified raw materials, and these are controlled carefully. Halal products can be based on cow milk and goat milk. Our products are certified by HQC, a well-known certification body with MUI approval.

Palm oil free

Sustainable production is not a niche anymore and consumers are more aware about the raw materials used in products they buy and eat. Infant formulas are originally developed with the use of palm-oil and a mix of other plant-based oils. Form a sustainable perspective a non-Palm-oil recipe support the well-being of the earth. The palm-oil is replaced by other vegan oils like sunflower, raped seed and coconut-oil to create a completely palm free formulation.

CTA Buijsman Erik

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